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graphic design, identity
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Shigeru Uchida is a designer who questions the relationship between people and their environment. This piece shifts the boundaries of the page, challenging the reader's relationship with the words and margins.
editorial, graphic design, writing
fashion, graphic design, identity
This project is the culmination of a two-day workshop during London's Design week. Our group, whose other members included William Hooke, Marc Bonet and Marek Bereza, created an vocal instrument for visitors of the V & A.
installation, openFrameworks
graphic design, typography
art direction, concept development, graphic design, hyper island, strategy, ux
The Santralistanbul Energy Museum is filled with so much character. Hidden amongst the pulleys, turbines, generators and fuses are an abundance of human expression. The following images are a selection of pareidolia examples taken from the museum and around Taksim.
.dotdoclab, photography
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