ars futurelab

How do you entice people to venture into a mall situated on a street with a narrow pedestrian walkway? With such a narrow street, mall signage is lost on the passers-by. A 3-layer mesh creates moire patterns and naturally animates a surface with printed imagery to attract pedestrians from afar. While that may attract pedestrians, it may not convert them into visitors. I also proposed to make all doors and elevator windows opaque so as the elevator transports visitors to the selected floor, its walls decrease in opacity until transparent. After passengers disembark, the elevator returns to its opaque state. In similar fashion, the doors of the mall change from opaque to transparent as pedestrians cross over the threshold to the mall. Also, a section of the street-facing wall is repurposed. What used to be retail windows exhibiting mannequins, are changed to a food court, pedestrian walkway and resurfaced with a material allowing pedestrians below to see pixels of color from visitor activity.

Animation coming soon…

Led by Horst Hörtner and Stefan Mittleböck from the ARS Futurelab and .dotdoclab.

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